Applications 9510 - by Otto Dobler Here are a number of items that I hope will be if interest to all. Biorhythms 5.1c.sit. If you are having a very bad day use Biorhythms to find out why. Maybe your physical, emotional or intelecual rythms are out of sync. Editor¹s Note - Sorry, insufficient room on 9510 disk. Hopefully next month. bookmarks.sea. Thse are Anarchie bookmarks. Uncompress them and place then in the ³Bookmarks² folder of your ³Anarchie² folder. The next time you use ³Anarchie² select the ³List Bookmarks² option in the File menu. A bookmark list will appear. Some of the Bookmarks such as ³Get StuffIt Expander²can be used to get the latest version of a program. The ³00rec-abstracts.txt Bookmark² will get the index of the ³Recent² file from the Info-Mac archive at UBC. This contains the ³Readme ³ filea fromthe recently uploaded files. Use Easy View to read the abstract and find the program you must have. Anarchie can be used to get the program. The ³rec UBC Bookmark² will take you directly to the ³Recent² files folder at the Info-Mac archive at UBC. Easy View 2.61 Ÿ.sea. Easy View is a program for browsing of collections of structured (but otherwise plain) text files, large or small. It allows very fast access. The following text formats can be viewed using Easy View: * setext, including TidBITS and similar publications * Info-Mac, c.s.m.p, or similar digests * Mail collections: Internet (Eudora), Navigator, NewsWatcher, etc. * Dictionaries * Plain text To read the ³00rec-abstracts.txt² you downloaded with the ³00rec-abstracts.txt Bookmark² the file into the ³Sumex Abstracts Folder² in the ³Sample Formats² folder. Double click on the ³Sumex Abstracts² file and Easy View will index the abstract and make it easy to read. Mac Easter Eggs 1.2.sit I know that it is a bit early for Easter but here are a few eggs. Editor¹s Note - Sorry, insufficient room on 9510 disk. Hopefully next month.